Ft. Maurice Schill
Do you have room for more appreciation in your life? Do you ever find yourself caught up in routine that you never stop to smell the roses? If so, this is the episode for you!
Maurice is the Founder and CEO of JuJu App, a platform to bring his mission to create positive workplace cultures to life, through the power of appreciation. Maurice's journey into appreciation began when his younger brother Julien started giving him JuJu points, as a way to thank him. Along the way, he realised the power of appreciation to create great relationships, and productive teams. Maurice takes us through the importance of daily appreciation and how it can significantly transform your life and relationships. Just like a muscle, a daily practice of gratitude and appreciation can help you see all the blessings in your life and help to build powerful teams! By strengthening our practice of appreciation, we are able to see the positive in the difficult times, and even difficult people. In this episode Maurice teaches us how simple acts of appreciation can bring more joy, happiness and give us an ultimately more fulfilled life! If you want to get in touch with Maurice head over to the JuJu website at www.jujuapp.io or connect with Maurice on LinkedIn or Facebook at Maurice Schill
Ft. Rachel Barbanel-Fried
Rachel is a Clinical Psychologist and Optimal Performance Consultant. She has a holistic approach to understanding how people operate within their worlds. She is also an experienced Yoga Teacher and is certified to teach Mindfulness – Based Stress Reduction.
In a demanding world of the hustle and bustle of life, Rachel talks us through why it is so important that we stop to find our calm. With so much to do, Rachel breaks down key concepts that we can include in our everyday lives, that will make a significant difference in how we show up. Rachel helps us to understand how we are biologically wired, and how we can find our calm in a world that demands so much from us. From focusing on the breath, right down to what we are eating, Rachel helps us to grasp the simplicity in creating even just an ounce of tranquillity throughout our days. If you are finding yourself feeling exhausted, stressed or depleted just by keeping up with your basic demands of life this is a must listen! Rachel has a wealth of knowledge and uses history and present situations to create a powerful path towards success for individuals from all walks of life. If you would like to get in touch with Rachel head to her website at www.drrbf.com/ or follow her on Instagram @doctorrbf for some great content. |
Your Host
Georgia Ellis is a Law abiding, Rule breaking, Fear conquering, Future Creating and a Super Curious Human Being - Yep that's me! Archives
December 2020