Featuring: Anita Bentata
Despite concern and greater awareness about domestic violence, it’s still happening, and with only 16% of women who experience violence contacting an agency such as a shelter, crisis centre or hotline, counsellor or women’s centre for help, we may never really know the how wide spread the issue is.
In this extraordinary episode I speak with Anita Bentata, an escapee of domestic violence. Anita’s story has been documented in her book “The Wolf in a Suit”. During this episode Anita shares incredible insights from the children’s fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” and it’s easy to see the parallels of the fairy tale with her own journey, Anita is Little Red Riding Hood, standing at the edge of the woods, being caught by The Wolf (only he’s wearing a suit), and finally escaping with her two little girls. This episode is one of hope, courage and full of insights as Anita shares how we can all access far more than we know, and how when faced with mixed messages from a partner we end up confused, leading to inaction, possibly the reason why some women stay much longer than they should. Anita has turned her experiences into a mission to help women, she went on to study Human Behavior and became a psychotherapist and counsellor. Anita now helps women to develop their emotional muscle to speak about the unknown and the uncomfortable, she is well versed in all the unspoken myths about love, stress and relationships. Reach out to Anita by: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Activating Artemis and The Wolf in a Suit Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter “Anita Bentata” Access Anita’s free downloads here: http://www.anitabentata.com/
Featuring: Liliane Grace.
Tumble down the rabbit hole with Liliane Grace and I as we discuss how her love of creating imaginary worlds as a child, coupled with her interest and application of Natural Laws lead her to becoming an award-winning author, writing coach/editor and speaker. Liliane not only shares her own personal journey, she also provides a few tips for the writer within all of us.
Liliane’s story telling is thought-provoking and provides insight on “conscious living” for young and old, with messages covering universal principles for creating real magic in our lives. What I found most fascinating about Liliane was how the writing of her adult book, ‘Wanted: Greener’ appeared to trigger some fascinating real-life occurrences and synconicities. For more information on Liliane’s work go to www.liliane lilianegrace.com Liliane is offering 50% off the price of The Hidden Order for Ellis in Wunderland listeners. To take advantage of her offer use the code ‘HIDDENORDER’ at the checkout (http://www.lilianegrace.com/store). This special deal ends on March 31st 2019 Featuring: Samara & Reem Borrows.
I can’t think of a better way to acknowledge the United Nations International Day of the Girl than introducing you to Samara, a delightful future leader who shares her wisdom on how to turn terror into excitement, encouraging us to not settle for average, but settle instead for the impossible.
Join me as I tumble down the rabbit hole with my youngest guest so far Samara Borrows. This interview is so appealing to young and old, grab your family and press play! Samara and I chat about how she prepared to speak in public and how her speech “Reach for the Stars” encourages us all to check whether we have the right mindset to reach our dreams. Samara has her eyes set on an inspiring goal to become a mini vini at school to help make a difference for people in need. She will be running for school captain at the end of this year and if elected she wants to ensure all kids have a voice at school. I also chat with Samara’s mum, Reem Borrows, and it soon becomes evident that the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. Reem believes that, regardless of your past or present circumstances, each one of us has unlimited potential with the opportunity to elevate the quality of our life and achieve all that we desire. Learn more about Reem here Learn more about the Thinking Into Results program here Ingredients of Life's Elixir.
Your Host
Georgia Ellis is a Law abiding, Rule breaking, Fear conquering, Future Creating and a Super Curious Human Being - Yep that's me! Archives
December 2020