Featuring: Tenille Gilbert
Tenille is Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer at Society Melbourne, the umbrella brand for numerous social enterprises working to create sustainable pathways out of homelessness for young people in Australia.
During our chat you will come to see that Tenille is a passionate advocate for young people, believing in the ability to unleash their potential. I was thrilled to speak with Tenille so we could dismiss the idea that millennials are a ‘snowflake’ generation. This is an inspiring chat on so many levels! Tune in as Tenille shares her insights on the unique world of social enterprise, the sacrifices the younger generations are willing to make and their belief that if there is a problem then “we CAN do something about it”. Tenille is a great example of how the younger generations don’t wait for the system to create change, they make an impact and live on purpose each day, and we can learn so much from them, if only we stopped to take notice of the wave of positive change they are creating each day in small ways. Thank you Tenille! You can learn more about Society Melbourne's initiatives here: http://society.melbourne/
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Georgia Ellis is a Law abiding, Rule breaking, Fear conquering, Future Creating and a Super Curious Human Being - Yep that's me! Archives
December 2020