Ft. Dr Patricia Zurita
From stuck to unstuck - how you can move from fear into action, and how to make your mind’s chatter your new best friend!
Feeling stuck? Sick of fear getting the best of you when you need to take action? Clinical Psychologist Dr Patricia Zurita may just be able to give you a key to your freedom. In this amazing episode of Ellis in Wunderland, we get curious with Dr Z and explore ways to help us get comfortable with the uncomfortable and shift us into action when we are overwhelmed by fear and feeling locked in. With her beautiful analogy of a coin, she encourages us to imagine our problems differently. “If you imagine being stuck on one side of the coin, what is the stuff on the other side? What is the stuckness trying to show you?” From this perspective, the other side of the coin is the stuff we care about and have just forgotten how to access. And lucky for us, Dr Z provides us with some great wisdom and practical exercises to help us recognise what’s on the other side, and shift into action despite all the mind’s chatter. Dr Z has worked as a in the field of Psychology for over sixteen years helping clients get unstuck from problems related to fear-based struggles, and is the author of several books including ‘ACT beyond OCD: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy workbook for adults’ and ‘Parenting a troubled teen: using acceptance and commitment therapy’. If you experience anxiety, are sick of feeling stuck, need some tips to move into action or are sick of fighting against your own mind, then this is the episode for you. If you’d like to get in touch with Dr Z head over to her website here or find her on Instagram and Twitter.
Ft. Crystallin Dillon
Communication and understanding is what often creates the strongest connections. Yet for some reason, many of us find it extremely difficult to connect the two! Whether you can’t communicate how you really feel, or perhaps you are communicating, but your message is not being interpreted in the way you intended.
This is an extremely frustrating reality for many, and is often what causes havoc in relationships both personally and professionally. In this episode, Crystallin is unpacking the importance of understanding how to communicate with impact, so that your messages, and responses are deeply understood by yourself and the receiver. Crystallin is the founder of an amazing community called “The Bay Area T-Group” and she has an abundance of knowledge on the practice of mindful communication, designed to cultivate self-awareness and thriving relationships in both your personal and professional life. In this episode, Crystallin gives us key insights into how even people with great skill sets can flounder and fail if they cannot communicate effectively and build strong, resilient relationships. Crystallin helps us get clear on how to communicate your message openly and effectively, so you can make an impact and create thriving connections across your personal and professional life. You can find Crystallin and all details to attend her T-Group, over at www.crystallindillon.com Ft. Rachel Barbanel-Fried
Rachel is a Clinical Psychologist and Optimal Performance Consultant. She has a holistic approach to understanding how people operate within their worlds. She is also an experienced Yoga Teacher and is certified to teach Mindfulness – Based Stress Reduction.
In a demanding world of the hustle and bustle of life, Rachel talks us through why it is so important that we stop to find our calm. With so much to do, Rachel breaks down key concepts that we can include in our everyday lives, that will make a significant difference in how we show up. Rachel helps us to understand how we are biologically wired, and how we can find our calm in a world that demands so much from us. From focusing on the breath, right down to what we are eating, Rachel helps us to grasp the simplicity in creating even just an ounce of tranquillity throughout our days. If you are finding yourself feeling exhausted, stressed or depleted just by keeping up with your basic demands of life this is a must listen! Rachel has a wealth of knowledge and uses history and present situations to create a powerful path towards success for individuals from all walks of life. If you would like to get in touch with Rachel head to her website at www.drrbf.com/ or follow her on Instagram @doctorrbf for some great content. Featuring: Allison Sutter & Ian Ellis
This episode is dear to my heart for a number of reasons.
The content was recorded back in 2015 and repurposed with permission by the incredible Allison Sutter, M. Ed, author of Accelerate Your Mojo: 7 Simple Steps to Ignite Intuition, Shake off Fear, and Unleash the Real You. You can learn more about Allison and her innovative approach to spiritual growth and conscious creation on the Accelerate Your Mojo: The Book and More Podcast or at living360coaching. Featuring Dr. Sarah Sarkis
nDr. Sarah Sarkis is a psychologist, writer, and performance consultant with a private practice in Honolulu, Hawaii. Her integrated approach is big on science, low on bullshit, empowering her clients to achieve long term change and growth through an eclectic blend of psychology, neurobiology, and functional medicine. During this epic episode Sarah not only shares her personal journey into the world of psychology via her interest in forensic psychology which saw her working with incarcerated criminals.
She shares how she approaches her Doctor patient relationship then we move on to juicy conversations around neurobiology, leadership, making sense of the world through our own unique patterning, and how we can rewrite the stories that our meaning making machine creates. She also provides insights into what happens when we want someone else to change… but they just aren’t changing! Definitely worth hanging in to the end for this one! Sarah’s blog, The Padded Room, is your virtual safe space to help you manage the jarring realities of life. There, you’ll find a soft landing for life’s harshest truths. I encourage you to check it out at drsarahsarkis.com. |
Your Host
Georgia Ellis is a Law abiding, Rule breaking, Fear conquering, Future Creating and a Super Curious Human Being - Yep that's me! Archives
December 2020